Graduate Degree Programs for KU Bassoonists


Master of Music (MM)

With this degree, students can go on to pursue doctoral studies in music, establish private studios, audition for music ensembles, or create their own challenges in music or music-related endeavors.

The Master of Music (MM) degree requires a minimum of 30 credits and is designed to further the student’s knowledge, practice and experience in the following areas of study:

  • Performance

  • Conducting: Orchestral or Wind Emphasis

  • Music Composition

  • Musicology

  • Music Theory

Master of Music Education (MME)

he Master of Music Education (MME) degree with a major in either Music Education or Music Therapy requires a minimum of 30-credits and is designed to further the student's knowledge, practice and experience in these respective areas of study.

The Music Education and Music Therapy (MEMT) graduate programs include advanced professional and scholarly study for music educators and music therapists, licensure/certification programs for those with baccalaureate degrees in other fields who plan to enter the music education or music therapy professions (these initial licensure/certification programs typically also require collateral undergraduate study), and advanced study for individuals in related disciplines.

With the MME degree, Music Educators teach at the junior college, secondary, or elementary level, and/or pursue research. Music Therapists may engage in clinical practice, and/or pursue research. The MME degree with thesis typically is a pre-requisite to undertake PhD studies in music education and music therapy.

Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA)

The Doctor of Musical Arts (DMA) degree is a program of study that is both demanding and rewarding for those highly qualified students wishing to continue with the highest level of academic and musical pursuit in these paths:    

  • Performance

  • Conducting: Orchestral or Wind Emphasis

  • Music Composition

The majority of our DMA students go on to teach at colleges and universities  as well as pursuing careers as music performers in a variety of venues.

Doctor of Music Philosophy (Ph.D)

The Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree is a program both demanding and rewarding for those highly qualified students interested in pursuing the highest level of academic and musical academic study. The Ph.D. is offered in:

  • Music Education

  • Music Theory

  • Music Therapy

  • Musicology

The Doctor of Philosophy student can expect to focus on research and scholarship in an area of interest within the scope of the major emphasis. It is often sought by those who aspire to careers in research and graduate-level teaching. The requirements help the student develop broad and profound understanding of music as it pertains to the student’s major area of emphasis, sophisticated skill and extensive experience in pursuing new knowledge of that emphasis, and a rational system for evaluating the relationships between the specialty and other areas of human understanding. The program culminates with completion of a substantial piece of original research.

Graduate Certificates

Graduate Certificates are specialized programs that allow you to focus a primary field with limited outside study. We currently offer certificates in:

  • Performance

  • Music Enterprise

For More Information