Name: Megan Gordon

Major/Year: Music Performance/Junior

Hometown: Austin, TX

Estimated Graduation: Spring 2023

Dream Job: I would love to teach bassoon and run a music outreach program, as well as potentially do work with disability advocacy and pedagogy in music.

Favorite Color: Blue and Yellow

Do you have any pets? I have a dog named Cliff!

Favorite KU Bassoon Studio Memory: Performing Vespers with KUSO at JCCC my first semester – it was so fun to travel and perform with the other bassoonists and just be able to see how much the performance positively affected the audience.

What is on your current playlist?
Now, Not Yet by Half Alive
Dreamland by Glass Animals (I love all of their music!)
Friends That Break Your Heart by James Blake

Favorite class at KU so far: I loved taking bassoon pedagogy with Dr. Stomberg – I learned a tom about teaching bassoon and found a new passion for pedagogy and education!

Why did you choose to Rock Chalk? As soon as I stepped on campus I fell in love - there were a lot of different factors that helped me solidify my decision to come here, but within five minutes of being on campus I knew that this was where I was meant to be. There were things like the amazing community at KU and in the music school, the fantastic support of professors and colleagues, and the beauty of campus that also helped me in my decision!