Name: Olivia Van Winkle

Major/Year: Music Performance & Biology/Senior

Hometown: Sherwood, OR

Estimated Graduation: Spring 2022

Dream Job: Musician in an Orchestra

Favorite Color: Green

Do you have any pets? Two Dogs: Walter and Charlotte

Favorite KU Bassoon Studio Memory: At the end of my first year, the bassoon studio went to Dr. Stomberg's farm and we had an awesome party. It was very fun, and I really liked hanging out with everyone outside of class.

What is on your current playlist? In my playlist right now, I have been listening to a lot of songs by Elton John and Queen. Also I love Marvel movies and have been listening to the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack for both the first and second movies a lot recently.

Favorite class at KU so far: My favorite music course is definitely bassoon studio. I really enjoy spending time with friends and receiving really helpful feedback while simultaneously practicing my performing skills. My favorite non-music course that I have taken would be microbiology because of its many applications to the real world.

Why did you choose to Rock Chalk? I chose to come to KU primarily because Dr. Stomberg teaches here, but also because the curriculum allows me to double major in two very different topics in a flexible way.